Diaper destruction 101! Not recommended by the way!!

I've been pretty proud of myself throughout the first year of c.d.ing my daughter, and excited that I have been able to continue it with our son with relative ease.
But of course as soon as one starts to think, wow I can do this and my diapers are holding up great and the washing isn't bad at all, yada yada; the diaper destroyer rears his ugly head!!!
Now the diaper destroyer can come in many forms, such as water that is too hard or too soft, the mistake of forgetting to rinse off a poopy and then finding it later (ugh), or as in my case, I was in the process of moving closer to my family and so was needing to borrow my mom's washer.
After my usual washing routine I noticed that the diapers were still as dirty as before they were washed and I didn't discover this until AFTER I had already dried them. Hearing my wails of despair as I mourned over my ruined diapers, my mother came into the laundry room to inform me that the agitator of the washer broke apart so clothes or any other item being washed just kind of sat in the water and wasn't agitated or properly washed.
Needless to say my precious diapers were ruined. I tried everything, from stripping them, to using oxy, to soaking in vinegar for days. No luck.
So my friends it is with great, great sadness that I have had to restock my diaper stash. :(

Lesson learned, lesson learned!

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