Tsk Tsk Jenny McCarthy!

I had the chance to watch Oprah recently, and Jenny McCarthy happened to be on again promoting her new book Warrior Mothers.
While she is a strong advocate for "greening" our current vaccines, I was absolutely insulted by her remark, " I am part of the group of intelligent mothers who realize the importance of vaccines."
I find myself to be intelligent enough and not jaded by pharmaceutical marketing to believe that vaccines are more beneficial than they are harmful. I am also intelligent enough and capable enough to conduct my own research and find answers for myself.

I could write a novel today citing research and even the CDC's own admittance to the failure of vaccines but instead I will be happy to direct researching mothers to the following site:


I most definitely don't want to get into the argument that mothers who vaccinate are evil, or that mothers who choose not to are ignorant. I just want mothers to make an informed decision before just blindly trusting the contents of the needles that are being stuck in our babies.

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